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MJ: Day 1 (Latgawa 2018)

August 1, 2018 (Oregon Session 1 at Camp Latgawa, Day 1)

written by camper MJ


I woke up from Arrival Day excited and ready to start the day. I knew we had a lot to go over and talk about so I headed to Uncle Joe’s for supplies to make a bracelet so that I had something to keep my hands busy with during meetings. I already had about a quarter of it done before morning Check-In after breakfast.

The community meeting was longer than normal because there was a lot of stuff to cover for newer campers as well as review for older campers, but it was all important and I was happy to have the bracelet to work on.

Once meeting ended, I really needed to stretch my legs after that long period of sitting, so I started to take a stroll around the grounds. However, Yared quickly ran up and suggested we hop on to the Magical Mystery Tour. It was very magical and…mysterious?

After it ended, the bell rang for advisee, so I wandered over to the chair circle where Nathen and my advisee group meet. We had a good time bonding with each other, talking about our favorite movies, thoughts on musicals, things people don’t know about us and debating whether horror movies are good. (They’re great, by the way.)

Next, it was time to break into our Superhero teams! After learning our jobs and how to do them, we ate lunch together, learned names and told gross bathroom stories.

After that, we had a quick pool time where we played Monkey in the Middle and dove into the deep end. It was freezing cold, but an all around good time.

After hopping though a shower, we went to Uncle Joe’s and learned about everyone’s workshops for the rest of the week. There’s everything from a Twerkshop to a DnD session that will run all week long!

A quick check-in to make sure no one got eaten by a bear and the bracelet was almost complete! So, it was off to the Staff Talent Show. The staff showed off their awesome talents like telling stories, acrobatic dance, singing while also signing in ASL, and having amazing dance skills. With a finished bracelet, I decided to give it to Nathen.

I was feeling good. It had been a fun day, and I didn’t want to sleep alone. So, I grabbed my sleeping bag and pillow and went out to the field to join the cuddling campers.


and a few random Day 1 photos by Dandy and Grace:



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