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Bet: Staff Arrival Day, Camp Myrtlewood (Day -2)

Because it’s fun, and because it reminds me of a book I read when I was ten in which a character did an acrostic at school (a type of writing where each letter of a phrase or word placed horizontally across the page also spells something out vertically down the page), you will find below a slightly odd acrostic story of the first day of Staff Orientation at NBTSC’s 2023 Oregon session!

We* woke up to the sound of a howling were-turkey (ominous bark-gobbling) and

Early morning sprinklers in the field.


Arrival of the rest of staff soon!

Right on time! Staff arrives around 5:30pm (Except Will and Milla; long, sordid travel story!)

Excitement! Hellos!


Bombastic hugging and greeting! It’s been a whole year!

As the UHaul is unpacked, staffers chat and catch up.

Cabins are assigned, and everyone settles in.

Kisses for Happy and Bear, the camp dogs this year!


Attention! Rapid COVID tests for everyone! Sticks up the nose!

Time for staff introductions and the first staff meeting of the Oregon ‘23 session.


Now to fill the tums. Dinner!


Tasty soup!

Some games to occupy the night –

Could new staffer Jack *be* any better at reverse hotseat??


Bring on the kitchen dishes with Aubrie, Maya, and Dish Queen Augi.

About time for bed.

Brushin’ teeth and sayin’ goodnight.

YAY! is an understatement. NBTSC Oregon ‘23 is here!

Happy (aka Bark), Site Dog


Bear, Staff Dog


That gave my inner ten-year-old some joy. Next up, meetingsandmeetingsandmeetings, then camper arrivals on the 9th!

Staffers Augie & Sierra doing the things


*The “we” mentioned in the first sentence is referring to me (kitchen staffer Bet), driver J, and Co-Mama Bears Ani and Natalie, as we arrived the night before the rest of staff to set up some pre-camp logistical Bear Cave (health team station) hullaballoo. The rest of staff arrived the next day (the day covered in this post), which was Staff Orientation Day 1(aka Camp Myrtlewood Day -2), August 7th, later in the afternoon/evening.

Some of the staffers set up a tent village instead of using cabins


Bet Pond, Cook
Categorized: Updates from Camp