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Rachael and Wyatt: The Ramen Project (Myrtlewood 2018)

August 30, 2018 (Day 9, Oregon Session 2 at Camp Myrtlewood)

Projects are a staple of the NBTSC schedule at longer sessions. They meet for a couple hours over several days, and are a chance to go more in-depth with a topic than a single one-hour workshop allows.  At this session we had 3 staff-led projects: Forest Floor Makers’ Circle (like it sounds, making stuff from natural items), game theory (how to win at different types of games), and communication (connecting through conversation, speaking to groups, etc.). Campers also have the option to participate in an independent project — perhaps taking time each day to practice an instrument, work on a piece of writing, or just relax on their own. Independent Project participants still have a group check-in at the beginning of each day’s project time, which at this session gave rise to The Ramen Project.

Campers Rachael and Wyatt break it down:

Rachael: The Ramen Project was for people who were doing Independent Projects but who didn’t particularly feel like working at the moment. We would do a check in and then we would all walk together to the Bear Cave to get the ramen, and then we would all walk back and Matt would explain his secret ways of making ramen with secret ingredients; how to balance salt, flavors, and different spices. It was a really good time! A lot of people like ramen so a lot of people were there. Matt is really funny, especially when he’s making ramen.

Wyatt: For me the ramen project was more of a hangout type thing, and I really enjoyed talking with Matt about different ingredients and ways of enhancing your ramen experience. I felt like it was kind of an introduction to other types of cooking. I feel like you can apply that same stuff to other kinds of food.

Rachael: I loved it because it was just all so spontaneous and it just started with everyone being like “I’m hungry, what do I have…ramen!” and then Matt was like “Oh I know how to make ramen” and then the next day he brought secret ingredients, and it became more and more special as it went on.  


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